
Should you be considering a USDA Guaranteed Loan?

A USDA guaranteed loan is one with reasonable qualifying guidelines, even if you have bad credit. The federal government guarantees 90% of the mortgage amount for qualified applicants. To qualify for the loan, you will need to meet certain requirements and you will need to prove that you can repay it. This can be difficult for low income homebuyers. Read More

How to Calculate Debt to Income Ratio for Mortgage Loans

Debt-to-Income Ratios

Debt to income ratio (DTI) is a financial tool that helps lenders assess your ability to make payments on a new loan. It helps them determine whether you’re a risky borrower who might not be able to make timely payments. The higher your DTI, the more likely you are to face a higher interest rate, or to be declined for a loan. When you know your DTI, you can make sure you’re prepared to handle any challenges that may arise. You’ll also have a good idea of whether it’s a good idea to take on new debt or to refinance an existing loan. Read More

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